Open CASCADE Technology  7.1.0.beta
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing Class Reference

Provides methods to. More...

#include <BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing (const Standard_Real tolerance=1.0e-06, const Standard_Boolean option1=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option2=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option3=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option4=Standard_False)
 Creates an object with tolerance of connexity option for sewing (if false only control) option for analysis of degenerated shapes option for cutting of free edges. option for non manifold processing. More...
void Init (const Standard_Real tolerance=1.0e-06, const Standard_Boolean option1=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option2=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option3=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean option4=Standard_False)
 initialize the parameters if necessary More...
void Load (const TopoDS_Shape &shape)
 Loades the context shape. More...
void Add (const TopoDS_Shape &shape)
 Defines the shapes to be sewed or controlled. More...
void Perform (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
 Computing thePI - progress indicator of algorithm. More...
const TopoDS_ShapeSewedShape () const
 Gives the sewed shape a null shape if nothing constructed may be a face, a shell, a solid or a compound. More...
void SetContext (const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > &theContext)
 set context More...
const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > & GetContext () const
 return context More...
Standard_Integer NbFreeEdges () const
 Gives the number of free edges (edge shared by one face) More...
const TopoDS_EdgeFreeEdge (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives each free edge. More...
Standard_Integer NbMultipleEdges () const
 Gives the number of multiple edges (edge shared by more than two faces) More...
const TopoDS_EdgeMultipleEdge (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives each multiple edge. More...
Standard_Integer NbContigousEdges () const
 Gives the number of contigous edges (edge shared by two faces) More...
const TopoDS_EdgeContigousEdge (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives each contigous edge. More...
const TopTools_ListOfShapeContigousEdgeCouple (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives the sections (edge) belonging to a contigous edge. More...
Standard_Boolean IsSectionBound (const TopoDS_Edge &section) const
 Indicates if a section is bound (before use SectionToBoundary) More...
const TopoDS_EdgeSectionToBoundary (const TopoDS_Edge &section) const
 Gives the original edge (free boundary) which becomes the the section. Remember that sections constitute common edges. This imformation is important for control because with original edge we can find the surface to which the section is attached. More...
Standard_Integer NbDegeneratedShapes () const
 Gives the number of degenerated shapes. More...
const TopoDS_ShapeDegeneratedShape (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives each degenerated shape. More...
Standard_Boolean IsDegenerated (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) const
 Indicates if a input shape is degenerated. More...
Standard_Boolean IsModified (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) const
 Indicates if a input shape has been modified. More...
const TopoDS_ShapeModified (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) const
 Gives a modifieded shape. More...
Standard_Boolean IsModifiedSubShape (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) const
 Indicates if a input subshape has been modified. More...
TopoDS_Shape ModifiedSubShape (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) const
 Gives a modifieded subshape. More...
void Dump () const
 print the informations More...
Standard_Integer NbDeletedFaces () const
 Gives the number of deleted faces (faces smallest than tolerance) More...
const TopoDS_FaceDeletedFace (const Standard_Integer index) const
 Gives each deleted face. More...
TopoDS_Face WhichFace (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdg, const Standard_Integer index=1) const
 Gives a modified shape. More...
Standard_Boolean SameParameterMode () const
 Gets same parameter mode. More...
void SetSameParameterMode (const Standard_Boolean SameParameterMode)
 Sets same parameter mode. More...
Standard_Real Tolerance () const
 Gives set tolerance. More...
void SetTolerance (const Standard_Real theToler)
 Sets tolerance. More...
Standard_Real MinTolerance () const
 Gives set min tolerance. More...
void SetMinTolerance (const Standard_Real theMinToler)
 Sets min tolerance. More...
Standard_Real MaxTolerance () const
 Gives set max tolerance. More...
void SetMaxTolerance (const Standard_Real theMaxToler)
 Sets max tolerance. More...
Standard_Boolean FaceMode () const
 Returns mode for sewing faces By default - true. More...
void SetFaceMode (const Standard_Boolean theFaceMode)
 Sets mode for sewing faces By default - true. More...
Standard_Boolean FloatingEdgesMode () const
 Returns mode for sewing floating edges By default - false. More...
void SetFloatingEdgesMode (const Standard_Boolean theFloatingEdgesMode)
 Sets mode for sewing floating edges By default - false. Returns mode for cutting floating edges By default - false. Sets mode for cutting floating edges By default - false. More...
Standard_Boolean LocalTolerancesMode () const
 Returns mode for accounting of local tolerances of edges and vertices during of merging. More...
void SetLocalTolerancesMode (const Standard_Boolean theLocalTolerancesMode)
 Sets mode for accounting of local tolerances of edges and vertices during of merging in this case WorkTolerance = myTolerance + tolEdge1+ tolEdg2;. More...
void SetNonManifoldMode (const Standard_Boolean theNonManifoldMode)
 Sets mode for non-manifold sewing. More...
Standard_Boolean NonManifoldMode () const
 Gets mode for non-manifold sewing. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MMgt_TShared
virtual void Delete () const override
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

Protected Member Functions

void Cutting (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
 Performs cutting of sections thePI - progress indicator of processing. More...
void Merging (const Standard_Boolean passage, const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
Standard_Boolean IsMergedClosed (const TopoDS_Edge &Edge1, const TopoDS_Edge &Edge2, const TopoDS_Face &fase) const
Standard_Boolean FindCandidates (TopTools_SequenceOfShape &seqSections, TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger &mapReference, TColStd_SequenceOfInteger &seqCandidates, TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean &seqOrientations)
void AnalysisNearestEdges (const TopTools_SequenceOfShape &sequenceSec, TColStd_SequenceOfInteger &seqIndCandidate, TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean &seqOrientations, const Standard_Boolean evalDist=Standard_True)
Standard_Boolean MergedNearestEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &edge, TopTools_SequenceOfShape &SeqMergedEdge, TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean &SeqMergedOri)
 Merged nearest edges. More...
void EdgeProcessing (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
void CreateOutputInformations ()
virtual Standard_Boolean IsUClosedSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surf, const TopoDS_Shape &theEdge, const TopLoc_Location &theloc) const
 Defines if surface is U closed. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsVClosedSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &surf, const TopoDS_Shape &theEdge, const TopLoc_Location &theloc) const
 Defines if surface is V closed. More...
virtual void FaceAnalysis (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
 This method is called from Perform only thePI - progress indicator of processing. More...
virtual void FindFreeBoundaries ()
 This method is called from Perform only. More...
virtual void VerticesAssembling (const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &thePI=0)
 This method is called from Perform only thePI - progress indicator of processing. More...
virtual void CreateSewedShape ()
 This method is called from Perform only. More...
virtual void GetFreeWires (TopTools_MapOfShape &MapFreeEdges, TopTools_SequenceOfShape &seqWires)
 Get wire from free edges. This method is called from EdgeProcessing only. More...
virtual void EvaluateAngulars (TopTools_SequenceOfShape &sequenceSec, TColStd_Array1OfBoolean &secForward, TColStd_Array1OfReal &tabAng, const Standard_Integer indRef) const
 This method is called from MergingOfSections only. More...
virtual void EvaluateDistances (TopTools_SequenceOfShape &sequenceSec, TColStd_Array1OfBoolean &secForward, TColStd_Array1OfReal &tabAng, TColStd_Array1OfReal &arrLen, TColStd_Array1OfReal &tabMinDist, const Standard_Integer indRef) const
 This method is called from MergingOfSections only. More...
virtual Handle< Geom2d_CurveSameRange (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &CurvePtr, const Standard_Real FirstOnCurve, const Standard_Real LastOnCurve, const Standard_Real RequestedFirst, const Standard_Real RequestedLast) const
 This method is called from SameParameterEdge only. More...
virtual void SameParameter (const TopoDS_Edge &edge) const
 This method is called from SameParameterEdge only. More...
virtual TopoDS_Edge SameParameterEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &edge, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape &seqEdges, const TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean &seqForward, TopTools_MapOfShape &mapMerged, const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > &locReShape)
 This method is called from Merging only. More...
virtual TopoDS_Edge SameParameterEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &edge1, const TopoDS_Edge &edge2, const TopTools_ListOfShape &listFaces1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &listFaces2, const Standard_Boolean secForward, Standard_Integer &whichSec, const Standard_Boolean firstCall=Standard_True)
 This method is called from Merging only. More...
void ProjectPointsOnCurve (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &arrPnt, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Crv, const Standard_Real first, const Standard_Real last, TColStd_Array1OfReal &arrDist, TColStd_Array1OfReal &arrPara, TColgp_Array1OfPnt &arrProj, const Standard_Boolean isConsiderEnds) const
 Projects points on curve This method is called from Cutting only. More...
virtual void CreateCuttingNodes (const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &MapVert, const TopoDS_Shape &bound, const TopoDS_Shape &vfirst, const TopoDS_Shape &vlast, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &arrDist, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &arrPara, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &arrPnt, TopTools_SequenceOfShape &seqNode, TColStd_SequenceOfReal &seqPara)
 Creates cutting vertices on projections This method is called from Cutting only. More...
virtual void CreateSections (const TopoDS_Shape &bound, const TopTools_SequenceOfShape &seqNode, const TColStd_SequenceOfReal &seqPara, TopTools_ListOfShape &listEdge)
 Performs cutting of bound This method is called from Cutting only. More...
virtual void SameParameterShape ()
 Makes all edges from shape same parameter if SameParameterMode is equal to Standard_True This method is called from Perform only. More...

Protected Attributes

Standard_Real myTolerance
Standard_Boolean mySewing
Standard_Boolean myAnalysis
Standard_Boolean myCutting
Standard_Boolean myNonmanifold
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape myOldShapes
TopoDS_Shape mySewedShape
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape myDegenerated
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape myFreeEdges
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape myMultipleEdges
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape myContigousEdges
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myContigSecBound
Standard_Integer myNbShapes
Standard_Integer myNbVertices
Standard_Integer myNbEdges
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape myBoundFaces
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myBoundSections
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape mySectionBound
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape myVertexNode
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape myVertexNodeFree
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myNodeSections
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape myCuttingNode
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape myLittleFace
TopoDS_Shape myShape
Handle< BRepTools_ReShapemyReShape

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...

Detailed Description

Provides methods to.

For sewing, use this function as following:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing ( const Standard_Real  tolerance = 1.0e-06,
const Standard_Boolean  option1 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option2 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option3 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option4 = Standard_False 

Creates an object with tolerance of connexity option for sewing (if false only control) option for analysis of degenerated shapes option for cutting of free edges. option for non manifold processing.

Member Function Documentation

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Add ( const TopoDS_Shape shape)

Defines the shapes to be sewed or controlled.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::AnalysisNearestEdges ( const TopTools_SequenceOfShape sequenceSec,
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger seqIndCandidate,
TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean seqOrientations,
const Standard_Boolean  evalDist = Standard_True 
const TopoDS_Edge& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::ContigousEdge ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives each contigous edge.

const TopTools_ListOfShape& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::ContigousEdgeCouple ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives the sections (edge) belonging to a contigous edge.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::CreateCuttingNodes ( const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MapVert,
const TopoDS_Shape bound,
const TopoDS_Shape vfirst,
const TopoDS_Shape vlast,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal arrDist,
const TColStd_Array1OfReal arrPara,
const TColgp_Array1OfPnt arrPnt,
TopTools_SequenceOfShape seqNode,
TColStd_SequenceOfReal seqPara 

Creates cutting vertices on projections This method is called from Cutting only.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::CreateOutputInformations ( )
virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::CreateSections ( const TopoDS_Shape bound,
const TopTools_SequenceOfShape seqNode,
const TColStd_SequenceOfReal seqPara,
TopTools_ListOfShape listEdge 

Performs cutting of bound This method is called from Cutting only.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::CreateSewedShape ( )

This method is called from Perform only.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Cutting ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0)

Performs cutting of sections thePI - progress indicator of processing.

const TopoDS_Shape& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::DegeneratedShape ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives each degenerated shape.

const TopoDS_Face& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::DeletedFace ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives each deleted face.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Dump ( ) const

print the informations

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::EdgeProcessing ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0)
virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::EvaluateAngulars ( TopTools_SequenceOfShape sequenceSec,
TColStd_Array1OfBoolean secForward,
TColStd_Array1OfReal tabAng,
const Standard_Integer  indRef 
) const

This method is called from MergingOfSections only.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::EvaluateDistances ( TopTools_SequenceOfShape sequenceSec,
TColStd_Array1OfBoolean secForward,
TColStd_Array1OfReal tabAng,
TColStd_Array1OfReal arrLen,
TColStd_Array1OfReal tabMinDist,
const Standard_Integer  indRef 
) const

This method is called from MergingOfSections only.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FaceAnalysis ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0)

This method is called from Perform only thePI - progress indicator of processing.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FaceMode ( ) const

Returns mode for sewing faces By default - true.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FindCandidates ( TopTools_SequenceOfShape seqSections,
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger mapReference,
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger seqCandidates,
TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean seqOrientations 
virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FindFreeBoundaries ( )

This method is called from Perform only.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FloatingEdgesMode ( ) const

Returns mode for sewing floating edges By default - false.

const TopoDS_Edge& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::FreeEdge ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives each free edge.

const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape >& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::GetContext ( ) const

return context

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::GetFreeWires ( TopTools_MapOfShape MapFreeEdges,
TopTools_SequenceOfShape seqWires 

Get wire from free edges. This method is called from EdgeProcessing only.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Init ( const Standard_Real  tolerance = 1.0e-06,
const Standard_Boolean  option1 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option2 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option3 = Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean  option4 = Standard_False 

initialize the parameters if necessary

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsDegenerated ( const TopoDS_Shape shape) const

Indicates if a input shape is degenerated.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsMergedClosed ( const TopoDS_Edge Edge1,
const TopoDS_Edge Edge2,
const TopoDS_Face fase 
) const
Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsModified ( const TopoDS_Shape shape) const

Indicates if a input shape has been modified.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsModifiedSubShape ( const TopoDS_Shape shape) const

Indicates if a input subshape has been modified.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsSectionBound ( const TopoDS_Edge section) const

Indicates if a section is bound (before use SectionToBoundary)

virtual Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsUClosedSurface ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  surf,
const TopoDS_Shape theEdge,
const TopLoc_Location theloc 
) const

Defines if surface is U closed.

virtual Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::IsVClosedSurface ( const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  surf,
const TopoDS_Shape theEdge,
const TopLoc_Location theloc 
) const

Defines if surface is V closed.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Load ( const TopoDS_Shape shape)

Loades the context shape.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::LocalTolerancesMode ( ) const

Returns mode for accounting of local tolerances of edges and vertices during of merging.

Standard_Real BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::MaxTolerance ( ) const

Gives set max tolerance.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::MergedNearestEdges ( const TopoDS_Shape edge,
TopTools_SequenceOfShape SeqMergedEdge,
TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean SeqMergedOri 

Merged nearest edges.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Merging ( const Standard_Boolean  passage,
const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0 
Standard_Real BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::MinTolerance ( ) const

Gives set min tolerance.

const TopoDS_Shape& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Modified ( const TopoDS_Shape shape) const

Gives a modifieded shape.

TopoDS_Shape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::ModifiedSubShape ( const TopoDS_Shape shape) const

Gives a modifieded subshape.

const TopoDS_Edge& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::MultipleEdge ( const Standard_Integer  index) const

Gives each multiple edge.

Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NbContigousEdges ( ) const

Gives the number of contigous edges (edge shared by two faces)

Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NbDegeneratedShapes ( ) const

Gives the number of degenerated shapes.

Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NbDeletedFaces ( ) const

Gives the number of deleted faces (faces smallest than tolerance)

Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NbFreeEdges ( ) const

Gives the number of free edges (edge shared by one face)

Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NbMultipleEdges ( ) const

Gives the number of multiple edges (edge shared by more than two faces)

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::NonManifoldMode ( ) const

Gets mode for non-manifold sewing.


void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Perform ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0)

Computing thePI - progress indicator of algorithm.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::ProjectPointsOnCurve ( const TColgp_Array1OfPnt arrPnt,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Crv,
const Standard_Real  first,
const Standard_Real  last,
TColStd_Array1OfReal arrDist,
TColStd_Array1OfReal arrPara,
TColgp_Array1OfPnt arrProj,
const Standard_Boolean  isConsiderEnds 
) const

Projects points on curve This method is called from Cutting only.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameParameter ( const TopoDS_Edge edge) const

This method is called from SameParameterEdge only.

virtual TopoDS_Edge BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameParameterEdge ( const TopoDS_Shape edge,
const TopTools_SequenceOfShape seqEdges,
const TColStd_SequenceOfBoolean seqForward,
TopTools_MapOfShape mapMerged,
const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > &  locReShape 

This method is called from Merging only.

virtual TopoDS_Edge BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameParameterEdge ( const TopoDS_Edge edge1,
const TopoDS_Edge edge2,
const TopTools_ListOfShape listFaces1,
const TopTools_ListOfShape listFaces2,
const Standard_Boolean  secForward,
Standard_Integer whichSec,
const Standard_Boolean  firstCall = Standard_True 

This method is called from Merging only.

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameParameterMode ( ) const

Gets same parameter mode.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameParameterShape ( )

Makes all edges from shape same parameter if SameParameterMode is equal to Standard_True This method is called from Perform only.

virtual Handle< Geom2d_Curve > BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SameRange ( const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  CurvePtr,
const Standard_Real  FirstOnCurve,
const Standard_Real  LastOnCurve,
const Standard_Real  RequestedFirst,
const Standard_Real  RequestedLast 
) const

This method is called from SameParameterEdge only.

const TopoDS_Edge& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SectionToBoundary ( const TopoDS_Edge section) const

Gives the original edge (free boundary) which becomes the the section. Remember that sections constitute common edges. This imformation is important for control because with original edge we can find the surface to which the section is attached.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetContext ( const Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > &  theContext)

set context

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetFaceMode ( const Standard_Boolean  theFaceMode)

Sets mode for sewing faces By default - true.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetFloatingEdgesMode ( const Standard_Boolean  theFloatingEdgesMode)

Sets mode for sewing floating edges By default - false. Returns mode for cutting floating edges By default - false. Sets mode for cutting floating edges By default - false.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetLocalTolerancesMode ( const Standard_Boolean  theLocalTolerancesMode)

Sets mode for accounting of local tolerances of edges and vertices during of merging in this case WorkTolerance = myTolerance + tolEdge1+ tolEdg2;.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetMaxTolerance ( const Standard_Real  theMaxToler)

Sets max tolerance.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetMinTolerance ( const Standard_Real  theMinToler)

Sets min tolerance.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetNonManifoldMode ( const Standard_Boolean  theNonManifoldMode)

Sets mode for non-manifold sewing.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetSameParameterMode ( const Standard_Boolean  SameParameterMode)

Sets same parameter mode.

void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SetTolerance ( const Standard_Real  theToler)

Sets tolerance.

const TopoDS_Shape& BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::SewedShape ( ) const

Gives the sewed shape a null shape if nothing constructed may be a face, a shell, a solid or a compound.

Standard_Real BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::Tolerance ( ) const

Gives set tolerance.

virtual void BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::VerticesAssembling ( const Handle< Message_ProgressIndicator > &  thePI = 0)

This method is called from Perform only thePI - progress indicator of processing.

TopoDS_Face BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::WhichFace ( const TopoDS_Edge theEdg,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 
) const

Gives a modified shape.

Field Documentation

Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myAnalysis
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myBoundFaces
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myBoundSections
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myContigousEdges
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myContigSecBound
Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myCutting
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myCuttingNode
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myDegenerated
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myFreeEdges
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myLittleFace
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myMultipleEdges
Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myNbEdges
Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myNbShapes
Standard_Integer BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myNbVertices
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myNodeSections
Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myNonmanifold
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myOldShapes
Handle< BRepTools_ReShape > BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myReShape
TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::mySectionBound
TopoDS_Shape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::mySewedShape
Standard_Boolean BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::mySewing
TopoDS_Shape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myShape
Standard_Real BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myTolerance
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myVertexNode
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeShape BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing::myVertexNodeFree

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