Tutorial & Learning

If you are starting your experiments with Open CASCADE Technology, this page is right for you.


Certainly, first download and install the latest available public version of Open CASCADE Technology.

If you are limited in your time, please consider e-learning courses. Moreover, if you plan commercial development on Open CASCADE Technology and intend to allocate a development team then you will probably decide to order an on-site training session.

Certainly, training is just the first step in the on-going support you may decide to request from our expert team. For most efficient development all along your project consider our regular support services that include numerous options – from individual helpdesk queries to on-site consulting missions, and more. Should you need custom development our team will be at your hand to employ more than 20 years experience in CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM software development.

When you already have some basic knowledge about Open CASCADE Technology you could proceed to the Tutorial application included into Open CASCADE Technology and consult its detailed User’s Guide (available within the documentation). It delivers step-by-step explanations and will help you derive your own modifications, in the case you decide to extend the Tutorial.

At each step of your experiments you will be able to consult the Technical documentation, also available within the distribution or on the Internet.

You might want then to proceed to numerous samples included into Open CASCADE Technology – several example applications developed with MFC and C# (on Windows only), as well as Qt (all platforms). They will demonstrate various functionality – from geometry creation to customized visualization and data exchange.

You may also check the Draw Test Harness – an interactive environment to run numerous scripts invoking Open CASCADE Technology functionality. It will enable you to experiment with most algorithms without developing any single line of code ! This Test Harness is a part of a set of Development Tools that will significantly ease your future development on Open CASCADE Technology. Consult the documentation that will guide you to run your first experiments.

At later steps of your development you might decide to use advanced techniques in programming on Open CASCADE Technology. In this case consider the Advanced Samples and Tools. (Note however that they only available to our support clients.)

Please always feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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