Industrial photorealistic rendering

3D model: © 2016 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.


When “light-weight” visual effects are not enough, industrial photorealistic rendering solutions based on the innovative OPEN CASCADE path tracing algorithm open the door to new use cases and opportunities for OPEN CASCADE clients:

  • Photorealistic visualization of a model becomes easily accessible at all product lifecycle stages - from concept design through to the point of sales. A CAD model in virtually any input format can be loaded and rendered “as is” – or, if it is too large and complicated, it can be processed using digital mock-up (DMU) simplification tools by OPEN CASCADE to make it suitable for interactive visualization.
  • Manufacturers can simulate the visual appearance of their products based on their real physical properties. For example, manufactures of paints and painting equipment or manufacturers that have a painting stage in their production cycle can benefit from our technology to simulate and render a painted model with photorealistic quality and with minimal efforts.
  • With fully interactive OPEN CASCADE photorealistic rendering, the users can work more efficiently and spend less time to produce the final rendering result. 

During the last few years, OPEN CASCADE built its own technology for photorealistic visualization and thus became a major actor in this area. Our main advantages here are uncompromised speed, visual quality and platform-independence achieved through OPEN CASCADE “know-how” in 3D graphics and GPU programming.

Like real-time ray tracing, photorealistic rendering can be applied to virtually any input data types – from CAD and meshes to point clouds and implicitly defined functions.

In order to help the users to benefit from OPEN CASCADE photorealistic rendering technology, an authoring tool is being developed by the OPEN CASCADE team. It is coming soon and will be available for free – watch for the announcements on our site!


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