Mixing a point cloud and a CAD model in one 3D scene

Sample 3D scene containing a scanned model and a nominal CAD model
with deviations shown with colors directly on the point cloud
(synthetic test case by OPEN CASCADE)


As already mentioned in the overview of OPEN CASCADE point cloud visualization solution, there are many industrial use cases where it is necessary to display a point cloud and a CAD model or mesh in the same 3D view. Quick visual checking of an actual point cloud against a reference CAD model, visualization of measured deviations from a reference CAD model directly on a point cloud (“nominal-actual comparison”), adding new equipment represented with a CAD model to existing workshop environment represented with a laser scan – these are only few examples.

Fortunately, the OPEN CASCADE point cloud visualization technology was designed with these use cases in mind. Thanks to this, our customers no longer care about technical feasibility of their use cases – they simply get them implemented using our visualization technology and services. This is a “win-win” opportunity also for those clients who consider upgrading their current software solutions to state-of-the-art hybrid point cloud visualization technology.

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