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Topicsort ascending Replies Last reply
What is the core part of OCCT for visual representation?
9 years 4 months ago
By Forum supervisor 9 years 4 months ago
What is the C# equivalent to Handle?
16 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
What is the best way to Slice a solid?
15 years 11 months ago
By Dan Heeks 15 years 10 months ago
What is the best way to implement an analytic curve in OpenCascade.
4 years 10 months ago
0 n/a
What is the best way moving object.
21 years 11 months ago
By Lugi.C (not verified) 21 years 11 months ago
What is Standard_Export
23 years 11 months ago
By mbd (not verified) 21 years 9 months ago
What is purpose of the console of Winmain in Opencascade?
18 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
What is meant by invalid Topology in Boolean Difference operation
12 years 8 months ago
By sankar 12 years 8 months ago
what is in topods_shape£¿
14 years 5 months ago
By li 14 years 4 months ago
What is happening to Dear Open CASCADE
15 years 11 months ago
By Divya 15 years 11 months ago
what is global tolerance?
15 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
What is DEFINE_HSEQUENCE good for?
8 years 5 months ago
By Benjamin Bihler 8 years 5 months ago
What is an OCCT Shape
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
What is a substitution of FSD_Archive in OC5?
21 years 3 months ago
By Adrian Helcman 21 years 3 months ago
What is the difference between classes Geom_Plane and gp_Pln? (and similar pairs of classes)
8 years 1 month ago
By TIAN DAJIANG 4 years 3 months ago
What excactly is an "unkown entity"?
8 years 2 months ago
0 n/a
What ever happened to...
16 years 3 weeks ago
By P Dolbey 16 years 3 weeks ago
what does the mean of checked() in TopoDS_Shape?
11 years 4 months ago
0 n/a
What does the "domain" means in the codes
11 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
What does multithreading with "HAVE_TBB = true" speed up?
7 years 11 months ago
By Jim Williams 7 years 11 months ago
What does D&GTs stand for?
10 years 6 months ago
By Pawel 10 years 6 months ago
what does BRep_Tool::NaturalRestriction (TopoDS_Face &m_face) mean?
10 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
What does #define CSFDB do?
23 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
what can I do?
16 years 3 months ago
0 n/a
what can i do with the label when i want to delete it
18 years 4 months ago
0 n/a
what can i do with the label when i want to delete it
18 years 4 months ago
0 n/a
What are Environnements variables MMGT_xxx
17 years 9 months ago
By Jan Brüninghaus 17 years 9 months ago
What are Environnements variables MMGT_xxx
17 years 9 months ago
0 n/a
What am I doing wrong? Access violation exception
12 years 5 months ago
By Julian Paphitis 12 years 4 months ago
What algorithms does the opencascade to calculate the area and volume?
10 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
What about "complex" 2d polygons
17 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
What 3D formats supported ?
6 years 11 months ago
By Bini Sara Jacob 5 years 1 month ago
whare can i download : SampleOcafDoc.cpp
17 years 1 month ago
0 n/a
whare can i download : SampleOcafDoc.cpp
17 years 1 month ago
0 n/a
Weird unresolved externals in samples/MFC/Viewer3d
9 years 4 months ago
0 n/a
Weird test (bug !) in Graphic3d_Vector
15 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
Weird linking error
8 years 6 months ago
By Forum supervisor 8 years 6 months ago
Weird error during "make install"
14 years 5 months ago
By CAVT 14 years 3 months ago
WebHelp Instalation HOWTO
21 years 7 months ago
By Mikael Aronsson 21 years 7 months ago
WebGL sample compliation
3 years 7 months ago
By Adam Wnek 3 years 7 months ago
Wavefront OBJ file
17 years 6 months ago
By Rahman Abber Tahir 7 years 5 months ago
24 years 4 months ago
By Gilles Debarbouille (not verified) 24 years 3 months ago
Warnings generated by latest OCC7 git
7 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
Warning: The shape is not valid!
12 years 8 months ago
By Forum supervisor 12 years 8 months ago
warning messages
24 years 6 months ago
By Christian CAILLET (not verified) 24 years 6 months ago
Warning message: CSF_CharSetDefaults not set when try to save a document
12 years 7 months ago
By Alexander Schneller 12 years 7 months ago
warning LNK4098: defaultlib "mfc42.lib" conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
21 years 1 month ago
By dada (not verified) 18 years 11 months ago
Warning in some classes
23 years 3 months ago
0 n/a
warning error(C4291)
24 years 6 months ago
By Philippe Centa 24 years 6 months ago
Warning 1 warning LNK4248: unresolved typeref token (0100001D) for 'Message_ProgressIndicator'; image may not run C:\Opencascade
11 years 6 months ago
By Mihai Ciocan 10 years 10 months ago

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