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Topicsort descending Replies Last reply
(De)Triangulation of a shell
15 years 4 months ago
By P Dolbey 15 years 4 months ago
(GeomFill_Pipe) Geom_Surface to TopoDS_Face
9 years 6 months ago
By Markus 9 years 6 months ago
(OCC 6.5.3 regression) BRepAlgoAPI_Cut returns invalid solid
11 years 11 months ago
By Timo Roth 11 years 10 months ago
(OCC 6.5.3 regression) BRepAlgoAPI_Cut returns wrong result
11 years 11 months ago
By Timo Roth 11 years 11 months ago
(OCC 6.5.3 regression) BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing returns wrong result
11 years 11 months ago
By Timo Roth 11 years 11 months ago
(OCC 6.5.3 regression?) Is BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling supposed to change the tolerance of bounding faces?
11 years 11 months ago
By Timo Roth 11 years 11 months ago
(Q)Graphic Initialisation Error !
24 years 20 hours ago
By Igor Nazarov 21 years 1 month ago
(SALOME) periodic mesh face of a cubic box VS pattern mapping
14 years 3 months ago
0 n/a
(samples) Tutorial GUI: 1. Shows No Icons, 2. > MNU_NEW Reports Errors;
6 years 3 weeks ago
By Steve Petrie 6 years 1 week ago
(u,v) grid of a face extends beyond its edges
4 years 7 months ago
By Forum supervisor 4 years 7 months ago
------modelling of parts from scanned image to get fit error values----------
17 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
5 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
...: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header
21 years 4 months ago
0 n/a
...: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header
21 years 4 months ago
By BENETEAU 21 years 4 months ago
./configure and
22 years 3 months ago
By Robert Boehne 22 years 1 month ago
19 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
.exe file ?
17 years 7 months ago
By Mikael Aronsson 17 years 7 months ago
.hxx files necessary to add commands to Draw
23 years 3 months ago
0 n/a
16 years 3 months ago
By Bearloga 16 years 3 months ago
.NET Improvements!
12 years 5 months ago
By Shockwave 12 years 3 months ago
.Net Wrapper for OpenCascade 6.2 and OpenGL
16 years 2 months ago
By PeterFrank 13 years 5 months ago
.NET Wrapper with OCAF + Visualization?
16 years 3 months ago
0 n/a
.org / .com
22 years 2 months ago
By webmaster_2 (not verified) 22 years 2 months ago
.pro file in the occ/qt tutorial project
15 years 8 months ago
0 n/a
.step model to .bmp
13 years 3 months ago
By Neil Martin 13 years 3 months ago
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lTK...
13 years 1 week ago
By Kaan 13 years 1 week ago
0025854: Visualization, TKOpenGl - add option to request Core profile 3.2+
8 years 10 months ago
By Forum supervisor 8 years 10 months ago
23 years 10 months ago
By Simon Bulman 23 years 10 months ago
0CC(7.4.0) application get error in win10 with OpenGL 4.6
3 years 11 months ago
By Shen Tung Huang 3 years 8 months ago
1)Healing and 2)Adaptor classes
18 years 9 months ago
By Roman Lygin 18 years 9 months ago
10000 cubes with Draw
12 years 11 months ago
By P Dolbey 12 years 11 months ago
1D meshing - getting started
7 years 9 months ago
0 n/a
2 coplanar faces are only C0 continuous
16 years 4 months ago
By Torsten Sadowski 16 years 4 months ago
2 Faces
20 years 5 months ago
By Hugues Delorme (not verified) 20 years 5 months ago
2-D constraints and dimensions
20 years 2 months ago
By Fritz (not verified) 20 years 1 month ago
2d & Antialiasing
24 years 4 months ago
By Gerard GRAS (not verified) 24 years 4 months ago
2D - just drawing
14 years 11 months ago
By Marek 14 years 11 months ago
2D AIS samples in OCC4?
22 years 4 months ago
By fhchina 22 years 4 months ago
20 years 6 months ago
By Roberto (not verified) 20 years 5 months ago
2D cross line
14 years 10 months ago
By Robert 14 years 10 months ago
2D Drawings of 3D TopoDS_Shapes
8 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
2d fillet between 2 arcs
15 years 7 months ago
By Rob Bachrach 15 years 7 months ago
2D point in/on/out trimmed param. domain
23 years 3 months ago
By Laszlo Kudela 10 years 5 months ago
2D shapes Boolean subtraction
21 years 8 months ago
0 n/a
2D Sketcher and Modularity
20 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
2D Sketching and Constraint Management
20 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
2D Text
21 years 5 months ago
By François Lauzon 21 years 5 months ago
2D Text in 3D Window
20 years 3 days ago
0 n/a
2D Text in a 3D window
21 years 5 months ago
By François Lauzon 21 years 5 months ago
2d text on screen
15 years 9 months ago
By Svetlozar Kostadinov 15 years 9 months ago

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