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Topic Replies Last replysort ascending
3d view window not displaying the graphics
3 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
Opencascade and mingw, static linking
3 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
library dependency order
12 years 2 months ago
By Rafał Brzegowy 3 years 11 months ago
Geom_Line::LastParameter() doesn't return RealLast()
3 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
Crashes when using BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape
3 years 11 months ago
0 n/a
FreeCAD file support in CAD Assistant?
3 years 12 months ago
0 n/a
Displaying triangular mesh starting from vertexes and triangles
4 years 1 month ago
By Giovanni Bettega 3 years 12 months ago
Changing the default highlight and selection style for a MeshVS_Mesh
3 years 12 months ago
0 n/a
3 years 12 months ago
0 n/a
Surface or Face level colors in OpenCascade.
5 years 2 months ago
By Pierre Nah 4 years 1 day ago
I want to display an object without zoom
4 years 1 day ago
0 n/a
Test data files
4 years 3 days ago
0 n/a
how to get curve type of TopoDS_Wire object
4 years 3 days ago
0 n/a
Handle Type Conversion
4 years 5 days ago
By renyu_teng 4 years 5 days ago
where can i download the locate_data_file referenced by the tests
4 years 4 months ago
By Dc Lu 4 years 5 days ago
how to redo or undo in ocaf with light or camera or color or material or shader or map
4 years 2 weeks ago
By w d 4 years 6 days ago
Problem in Shadow Mapping
4 years 6 months ago
By Will Tran 4 years 1 week ago
If a wire is totally inside the other wire ?
5 years 11 months ago
By Frank Martinez 4 years 1 week ago
Reading a step file (a compound) and uniting any sub-shapes
4 years 1 week ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 1 week ago
about the compiling order of qt5 and opencascade
4 years 1 week ago
By haidong ma 4 years 1 week ago
TBB and Parallel Processing
4 years 1 month ago
By E W 4 years 1 week ago
Annotating 2D entities in 3D models - e.g. Step AP 203 ed2 GD&A
10 years 11 months ago
By Dinesh Gavsane 4 years 1 week ago
Using OpenCascade in a DLL
6 years 10 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 1 week ago
Faces from non planar wire and underlying faces
4 years 3 weeks ago
By jerome caucat 4 years 1 week ago
Convert STEP to STL
4 years 2 weeks ago
0 n/a
BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet and Law_Function
4 years 2 weeks ago
0 n/a
how to remove inner edge
4 years 2 weeks ago
0 n/a
AIS_ViewCube strange display in perspective projection
4 years 3 weeks ago
By w d 4 years 2 weeks ago
about csharp wrapper
4 years 3 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 2 weeks ago
Segmentation fault when using STEPCAFControl_Reader
4 years 3 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 2 weeks ago
Surface roughness/ bumpy surface with Open Cascade
4 years 1 month ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 2 weeks ago
Issue getting correct Left/Right resulting shapes from SplitShape with none xy-aligned plane
4 years 3 weeks ago
0 n/a
Render into a QQuikItem
7 years 9 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell::Build stack overflow
4 years 3 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
Get the partitions of the first and second shape that are not contained in the third, and remove the boundaries between the part
4 years 3 weeks ago
0 n/a
How to build a bent column by BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell
4 years 3 weeks ago
0 n/a
Intersection of two shapes
4 years 3 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
FInding the bounding box dimensions of a shape
4 years 3 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
uninstalling older version and uninstalling 7.4.0
4 years 1 month ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
Approx_Curve3d convert an wire to Geom_BSplineCurve
4 years 3 weeks ago
0 n/a
Fix faces with error orientation
4 years 4 weeks ago
By Benj Colman 4 years 3 weeks ago
MinGW and static linking
4 years 3 weeks ago
By John Whitaker 4 years 3 weeks ago
Point cloud generation
4 years 6 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
4 years 1 month ago
By Guido van Hilst... 4 years 3 weeks ago
use a face to split a solid, how to exactly retrieve the left or right splitted solid
7 years 6 months ago
By w d 4 years 3 weeks ago
Error 'M_PI_2' was not declared
4 years 4 weeks ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 4 years 3 weeks ago
IGES and STEP files to STL conversion issue
4 years 4 weeks ago
By Giridaran C M 4 years 4 weeks ago
Meshing colored shading
4 years 10 months ago
By Giovanni Bettega 4 years 1 month ago
how to prevent an object from being affected by light
4 years 2 months ago
By Benj Colman 4 years 1 month ago
Face made from surface is changing her boundaries
4 years 1 month ago
0 n/a

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