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Issues with BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell

jerome caucat's picture

I am trying to build a pipe with the attached spine and profiles but the result is wrong, the pipe does not represent the profiles' shapes, see attached screenshots from DRAW.
I am using version 7.5.

Here is the DRAW code I am using to test:

pload ALL
restore /tmp/spine_23.brep s
restore /tmp/profile_23_1.brep p1
restore /tmp/profile_23_2.brep p2
restore /tmp/profile_23_3.brep p3
restore /tmp/profile_23_4.brep p4
restore /tmp/profile_23_5.brep p5
restore /tmp/profile_23_6.brep p6
mksweep s
setsweep -DT
addsweep p1
addsweep p2
addsweep p3
addsweep p4
addsweep p5
addsweep p6
buildsweep r -C -S
vdisplay s p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 r

Note that with a simpler profile the pipe appears to be built correctly:

pload ALL
restore /tmp/spine_23.brep s
polyline p  43.2 -21.98 19.05  143.2 -21.98 19.05
circle c 43.2 -21.98 19.05  1 0 0  1
mkedge e c
wire w e
mksweep s
setsweep -DT
addsweep w
buildsweep r -C -S
vdisplay s w r

Is there a problem with my profiles or spine? Or should I use different parameters or a different algorithm?

Note that I also encountered the following bugs with different (but similar) spine and profiles:

jerome caucat's picture

Note that If I scale the profiles up enough then the pipe is correctly constructed, but then I don't know how to scale it down without deforming it, here is the code with the scaled profiles:

pload ALL
restore /tmp/spine_23.brep s
restore /tmp/profile_23_1.brep p1
restore /tmp/profile_23_2.brep p2
restore /tmp/profile_23_3.brep p3
restore /tmp/profile_23_4.brep p4
restore /tmp/profile_23_5.brep p5
restore /tmp/profile_23_6.brep p6
tscale p1 43.199999999766412 -21.978965632645185 18.981000198798643 20
tscale p2 78.468000000000004 -21.999600000000001 18.981000000000002 20
tscale p3 113.73609999999999 -22.000000000000000 18.981000000000002 20
tscale p4 149.00420000000000 -22.000000000000000 18.981000000000002 20
tscale p5 184.27099941938175 -21.874151494835036 18.981000447502570 20
tscale p6 218.85993250260202 -16.107716095601475 18.986368524375496 20
mksweep s
setsweep -DT
addsweep p1
addsweep p2
addsweep p3
addsweep p4
addsweep p5
addsweep p6
buildsweep r -C -S
vdisplay s p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 r
Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Jerome,

As the forum moved to Development Portal, please post your questions there:

Thank you.


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