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Slicing Result
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
Configuration error on Debian stretch
6 years 5 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 4 months ago
Cocoa_Window throwing exception when built
6 years 5 months ago
By Corey Nelson 6 years 5 months ago
More than 100 000 active installations of CAD Assistant Android app is celebrated with its new version
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
Unable to convert an STEP file into an STL file
6 years 5 months ago
By Vishesh Chanana 6 years 4 months ago
QT Creator and OCC
6 years 5 months ago
By Forum supervisor 6 years 5 months ago
Missing libraries with JTAssistant
6 years 5 months ago
By b m 6 years 5 months ago
Memory leak
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
LocalContext replacement
6 years 5 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 5 months ago
TopoDS_Shape::Free() and Locked()
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
Create TopoDS_Face with boundaries from Adaptor3d_HSurface
6 years 5 months ago
0 n/a
Curves are not drawn correctly, displayed broken
6 years 5 months ago
By Kutay Macit 6 years 5 months ago
Visual3d_layer text replacement
6 years 6 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 5 months ago
HLRBRep_PolyAlgo does not respect origin point of CS?
6 years 6 months ago
By WandererFan 6 years 6 months ago
BRepAlgoAPI_Section or GeomAPI_IntSS
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
CAD Assistant can't write .mtl file
6 years 6 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 6 months ago
How to wrap class 'TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape' using Swig?
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
Bounding Box of objects in AIS_InteractiveContext
6 years 6 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 6 months ago
Generating Bezier/BSpline Surface of STEP file.
6 years 6 months ago
By Roman Lygin 6 years 6 months ago
Translate point along a normal
6 years 6 months ago
By Madz T 6 years 6 months ago
Make hemisphere from cicular face.
6 years 6 months ago
By Madz T 6 years 6 months ago
Wrap C++ OCC code with SWIG
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
[Solved] Get part of a solid within a shell
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
Packaging (again) for Debian
6 years 6 months ago
By Andrey BETENEV 6 years 4 months ago
Lofting through non-planar wires
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
Edges connecting wires?
6 years 6 months ago
0 n/a
Get origin (gp_XYZ or gp_Point) from shape
6 years 6 months ago
By Martin Löfgren 5 years 7 months ago
Creating a TopoDS_Solid with voids
6 years 6 months ago
By Forum supervisor 6 years 6 months ago
In OCCT7.2.1 dev the names written into a FSD_File are associated with the wrong shapes.
6 years 7 months ago
By Forum supervisor 6 years 7 months ago
XCAFDoc_ShapeTool and axis system
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
GEOMAlgo_Splitter/BOPAlgo_Splitter do not reconstruct shells/compounds
6 years 7 months ago
By walter steffe 6 years 7 months ago
Collision of shapes from wrl files
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
STEP models tessellating performance
6 years 7 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 6 months ago
Advanced Samples
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
XCAFDoc_ShapeTool NewShape does not generate a random tag
6 years 7 months ago
By Mimosa Olive 6 years 7 months ago
Parametric TopoDS_Vertex using coordinate system
6 years 7 months ago
By Lincoln Nxumalo 6 years 7 months ago
Projection of TopoDS_Shape onto TopoDS_shape
6 years 7 months ago
By Daniel Woodman 6 years 7 months ago
HasDetected never returning anything
6 years 7 months ago
By Mimosa Olive 6 years 7 months ago
TShape modification (and general ownership and lifetime questions)
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
XCAFApp_Application SaveAs failed
6 years 7 months ago
By Mimosa Olive 6 years 7 months ago
How to add multiple integer to a TDF_Label
6 years 7 months ago
By Mimosa Olive 6 years 7 months ago
XCAFApp_Application with an existing document
6 years 7 months ago
By Mimosa Olive 6 years 7 months ago
Saving a compsolid object
6 years 7 months ago
By Daniel Woodman 6 years 7 months ago
OpenCascade 7.2 source package problem
6 years 7 months ago
By renyu_teng 6 years 7 months ago
How to give/retrieve a name for a AIS_Shape
6 years 7 months ago
By Kirill Gavrilov 6 years 7 months ago
Failed to perform boolean cut operation in 7.1.0
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a
Handle(TDataStd_Name) has a wrong ID() in OCCT 7.2.0
6 years 7 months ago
By walter steffe 6 years 7 months ago
TDF_Label::FindAttribute strange bahaviour in OCC7.2
6 years 7 months ago
By walter steffe 6 years 7 months ago
Exporting extruded shapes via XCAF
6 years 7 months ago
0 n/a

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